Monday, October 10, 2005

Wow, it's been awhile!

It's been quite awhile it seems since I last posted anything.
Mariel is going great! She went to the doctor for her 6 month vaccination last Friday. It hurt, but she only cried a little and then was ok. However, she has a bruise on her left thigh from the shot (ouch!). It breaks me in half to see it, but I know she's going to be fine.
She is now officially 26 1/2 " long and 18 lbs (well... 17lbs and 15 oz). She's in the 75% for her age and so that makes us feel good knowing that she is growing well.

She does so many amazing things now... it seems that she changes or learns something new everyday. She's not crawling yet, but knows how to go from sitting to laying on her belly without serious damage.

Anyway, I'll post some neat pics from our trip back home to Illinois, as well as some other "everyday" shots. Mariel and her daycare buddy, Grace, have been havin a good time too.
Last but not least, I will TRY to get some pictures of her 2 front teeth!

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