Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Lots of "Firsts" !

*******Pictures to follow! but read this first!********
Mariel has had a few weeks of "firsts" and it's been such an adventurous three weeks!
Mariel flew on her first plane trip to Illinois on September 7. She flew a total of almost 4,000 miles and got a "First Flight" certificate from the captain and lead flight attendant!
She flew to Illinois to visit and meet her family... her great-grandparents (0pa and Oma), her grandparents(Grampa & Gramma Osterbur) and her aunt Megan, and uncles Colin and Joshua. She also met great-aunts and uncles, cousins and even more cousins. Everyone loved her and she had a great time! She laughed and played with everybody and wasn't a bit shy with anyone!
Several people on the planes commented on what a great little girl she was... it made mommy and daddy pretty proud of our little miss.

On Sunday, Mariel walked in her very first walker... (pictures of this event will soon follow). It's a "Jungle and Dinosaur" themed walker and she's zooming around the kitchen floor... backwards. She loves the independence, and took quick advantage of it by tracking down Moorey, our cat, and playfully grabbing his tail! Moorey didn't think this was very playful, but it sure gave us a laugh. He recovered with little trauma.

And now the biggest "first" of all!!!

Mariel has officially cut her FIRST TOOTH!!! Yeah! Today, on September 20th, I felt in that little mouth of hers and rubbed against something foreign. A little sharp white tooth poking from the gums. How exciting! This might explain the river of drool that perpetually comes from that little factory called "Mariel's Mouth". Anyway, she's been chewing on her hands pretty voraciously lately, and now we can certainly see why!

Hopefully in the next few weeks, this little 'alien' will present itself further so that we can get some great pictures!

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