Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Going to the doctor on Friday!

Well, Eric and I are still struggling with the night time. Mariel has decided to stay up until 11:00, sometimes even 1:00 in the morning, fighting sleep all the way. Last night was the best yet. She was up until 11:00, ate and then decided to get a second wind. Bless Eric's heart, he stayed up with her until 1:00 when she finally decided to crash. Then she was bright eyed, and bushy tailed at a ripe 6:30 this morning! Will her sleep schedule ever get better???
Please, does anyone have any suggestions? We try putting her down at 9:00 each night, yet no success.
Anyway, she's still growing and officially has the chub. She makes a fist and still manages to have dimples on her knuckles. It's really cute though, especially those thighs. We go to the doctor on Friday May 6 for the first round of vaccinations, weigh in and measurements. I'm so anxious to see how much she has grown! Wish us luck and keep your fingers crossed for a calm experience...

1 comment:

Holsgem said...

I like your blog, as for the sleep issue I think it goes away when the kid grows up. even then I feel you still get a midnight call or two.