Mommy and Mariel again... dont' you think she looks at least a little like me?!?!?!

The cast and crew: Allison aka "Momma"-- Eric aka "Daddy" -- Mariel aka "Marbles" -- Maya aka "Maya Dog" and Reggie aka "Reggie Muffin"-- Moorey aka "Black cat" -- and last but not least the Fish aka "the Fish"
We had quite the day yesterday... Mariel went to her first "birthday party". We went to a picnic/birthday party in Tumalo State Park. Mariel got a little bead bracelet and got to meet some other babies / kids her age. One of which was a baby that was born the month before her, and was in our Lamaze class! It was a very exciting day, and the weather was great.
Mariel also went to the pediatrician again on Friday... she has a little bit of the stuffy nose in the mornings, and of course Mom is panicking. Doctor says she's fine,no allergies that she can tell, just a small nasal passage that will hopefully grow as she gets older. WHEW!