Sunday, October 14, 2007

Where have you been?

This might be the question running through everyone's head right?

Well, I don't even know myself where the last...YEAR?... went. Ouch, that just doesn't even sound good. Well, I'm back to make good with everyone and update a VERY underused Blog about Mariel, and well, like the title says "mostly Mariel". Some good things have happened to Eric and I too, but I know that Mariel is subject most questioned.

So here it last... a small update to start with of pictures of her most recent adventure to the pumpkin patch last weekend. She had a blast... enjoy!


CnR NRQCC said...

Hi! I just checked your blog again. I'm excited you're starting it again. We would love to see some new pix of your little sweetheart. :)

Holsgem said...

Update your page, thought I was bad about it! Hope all is well with your family.