At last! I have time to post some pictures of our trip home in September...some Halloween pictures...and our trip to the coast at the beginning of November. Thanksgiving is coming soon... where does the time go? Is it me or does having a child simply put your life in 5th gear?
Mariel is going to be 20 MONTHS OLD! I can't believe it! She's nearly 2!
Personality wise, she's 3. Intelligence wise, she's about 2 1/2... the only way you'd know she's not even 2 is if you knew her birthday. She's talking in sentences...describing things like "big dirty truck!" and "pretty cute huh?" and "dude...sweet!(that's my favorite)". She knows a few colors and shapes, and knows her numbers 1-9...she can identify her name and knows how to spell it if you show her the letters. I think it's pretty incredible!
Anyway, she's working on the potty training.. (she poo-poo'd on the big potty 3 times last week!...thanks Betty), and we have her wearing her own undies at night for an hour or two so that she gets used to feeling what it's like to go potty.
She is rid of the BINKY... YEAH! However, now she insists on having a book in bed with her to read before she naps or goes to sleep. Her FAVORITE books are "OLIVIA" series... she can't get enough of them.
Enjoy the always, thanks for being patient!