Saturday, July 29, 2006

From Start to Finish!

Here it is... the journal of our hard work on our new back yard! We finished laying the sod today and it is truly amazing how nice it turned out.
We'll be playing and jumping on it in just a couple weeks! Enjoy!
Prep work... killed off the old grass and raked, raked and raked to get rid of the foxtails. Eric dug out around the juniper stump to prepare for getting ride of it.
Down to dirt...
Dumped the topsoil and raked it out. Hi Maya!!!
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Preparing the landscape

Nasty juniper tree stump!
Eric's new favorite toy :)

MARIEL... supervising the project from the air-conditioned office with a view.
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It's been a long process...

These pictures are for you Doug Leach!
(shameless promotion for Consolidated Construction Inc.)
Thanks so much for your hard work, and sorry about your truck!

We certainly have learned a lot doing sod.
We had some GREAT help, and are now super duper turfer laying fools!!!

Eat your heart out "This Old House"....

BEFORE (very scary)
AFTER (Waiting to be played on!)
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Monday, July 03, 2006

Happy 4th of July!

Hard to believe that two years ago, at this time, Mariel wasn't even a glimmer in our eye. Yet here we are, 4th of July Weekend, and our baby's 15 mo. old, and laughing, playing, and splashing with her toys, in her very own pool! She had SO MUCH FUN!

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