Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Mariel Rolls Over !!!

Hi, well it's a little late with the posting, but on July 19th, Mariel rolled over! She is so good at it in fact, that she doesn't even want to be on her back! We lay her down, and over she goes.
Tomorrow is her next series of vaccinations so Mariel won't be in the best of moods for a day or so. I'm dreading taking her... she cries her little heart out. Wish us luck :0)

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Mariel was having a great time on her mat today. She's still trying to roll over and is sooooo close!

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Mariel's first Johnny Jumper!!! She did amazing... and loved it! Hard to believe she's old enough to use this now. Where did my little baby go??? :) Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Hey... check these out!!!

Be sure to scroll down and see the three new pictures we've put on the Blog. Mariel was hammin it up in the mirror! It's so neat that she recognizes faces and could see herself and us in the mirror. We were standing on the scale in the bathroom, to find out how much she weighs, and noticed her looking at herself! She's at a wopping 16 lbs. now and 24 in. long... growing like a weed... but a cute weed huh???

Mirror.. .Mirror... on the wall... who is the cutest baby of all??? :)  Posted by Picasa

Sorry about the flash! Posted by Picasa

Okay... this is our new favorite picture. How can you not look at this and just laugh! She was so excited to see herself in the mirror!!  Posted by Picasa